Random Lawn Tips
Hey guys I wanted to create a page devoted to random lawn tips whenever something popped into my head so this page will be devoted to random lawn tips not on any other page of my blog already.
Growing grass under pine trees
The secret to growing grass under pine trees is to make sure you are fertilizing and watering but,also you have to be using the best shade grass you can find. The other thing a lot of people overlook is they forget or never rake the pine needles as leaving the pine needles will affect and restrict any growth of any shade grass so make sure you rake the pine needles.
The best no mow grass
You can purchase it here online.
Mulch your lawn in the fall
I know we all been there the yard looks a mess and the first thing we think of is the leaf blower or hiring someone to do a yard cleanup. That should be the last thing you should be thinking of. The fact is leaves provide a lot of nutrients that go back into your grass and decompose back into your soil helping it thrive in the fall and the spring.
So don’t blow the leaves in the fall and do not bag your clippings. Mulch the leaves on your lawn and leave them there don’t worry about what your neighbor is doing,youll be the one who has the last laugh come spring time.
Be careful when using roundup
As you know roundup is suppose to not be harmful if you listen to the manufacturer of it they claim its only suppose to get into the stem,the root and just kill that vegetation only.
We were not born yesterday we know it and pretty much any weed or grass killer is capable of causing cancer and any disease if you are not careful so always use caution and use some protective measures. I only used it sparingly myself when I reseeded an area . I have also used it to get rid of some weeds we had in a forest area in our backyard pay close attention to the picture and notice to the right of the shrub that is green and look where its dark brown that used to be green weeds and green vegetation .That is how powerful and deadly it is so be careful and use caution always.
Do not let this be you
The two pictures are of a guys house across the street from a good friend of mine. Had we been friends I would have told him not to bring in new soil.
Its never a good idea to bring in new soil and replace the soil thats already on the ground. Remember all soil has weed seeds.
So its better to treat the soil and reseed with the soil you already have in your ground.
As bringing in new soil (may feel like a good idea it really is not)As you can see from the picture all the aggressive and unwanted weeds have invaded this guys lawn. I really wish I had took a before picture so you would have seen them bringing in new soil.Anyhow just remember you have been warned so you wont do this ever!
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